Food For Thought
January 29, 2022


Jílek Matyáš

What exactly is a smoothie?

Smoothie as well as juice or milkshake is made from fruits and vegetables, but there are a few differences. In a smoothie, the main ingredient is fruit, which is blended into porridge. A smoothie can replace breakfast and even a snack. Unlike juice, it is more like the juice of fruits or vegetables and does not sow at all. And milkshake has the main ingredient milk, and the fruit is more like a flavor (so it’s more of a sweetness).


Smoothie is full of vitamins because it contains all the vitamins that fruit contains. But in general, it depends on the type of fruit.

When is it best to drink a smoothie?

It depends on the composition, but in general it is a great quick breakfast or snack (morning in the case of fruit or fruit-vegetable smoothies, afternoon in the case of vegetables).

Does smoothie have any disadvantage?

Too much of anything is not good. it is recommended to consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day – the recommended ratio is 3:2 in favor of vegetables. Normally, a person would eat one banana and maybe two apples a day, but in a smoothie one can eat two bananas at once, two oranges. Depending on the composition, you can get a fairly substantial amount of calories into yourself, and in addition, fructose from fruits in larger quantities burdens the liver.


Banana smoothie with orange, spinach and white yogurt:


  1. Peel and chop the banana. We put it in the mixer.
  2. Peel and chop the orange. We put it with a banana in a mixer.
  3. Blend and add water. (Remember, it’s supposed to be more porridge than water).
  4. Add spinach.
  5. Add three spoons of white yogurt and mix it.
  6. Done!

On this principle, all smoothies are made. I’ll give you tutorials for more here:

Strawberry-peach smoothie:

Apple smoothie with orange:

Pineapple smoothie:

Smoothe from carrots and apples:

Smoothie from strawberry, kiwi and banana:

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The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.