Food For Thought


Baked beetroot
Jan 30, 22
Baked beetroot
My mom's recipe to delicious and healthy baked beetroot
Šumava(wheat) bread
Jan 29, 22
Šumava(wheat) bread
Wheat bread making video
Jan 29, 22
Smoothie? Smoothie.
Apple pancakes
Jan 29, 22
Apple pancakes
Recipe for the best apple pancakes you have ever tasted
Nutrition myths
Jan 27, 22
Nutrition myths
Seek the truth!
Homemade granola
Jan 27, 22
Homemade granola
Great breakfast or snack food
Breakfast oatmeal
Jan 27, 22
Breakfast oatmeal
Quick and easy recipe for delicious breakfast
Seasonal foods
Jan 22, 22
Seasonal foods
Why and what seasonal foods to consume
Water from the heart of nature
Jan 20, 22
Water from the heart of nature
The best source of water
Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.