Food For Thought
January 27, 2022

Nutrition myths

Adéla Špačková

Is it bad to drink coffee with milk? Does celery burn calories? There are many myths about healthy diet, which people still believe in. In this article you will learn something about few of them.

1) Coffee with milk

Myth n. 1: Coffee with a milk causes pancreatic and galibladder malfunction.

If you add milk to coffee, it won’t arise a compound, which is bad for our health. If your pancreas and gallbladder are okay, they won’t have any problem with digesting a milk coffee.

Myth n. 2: Milk in coffee reduces the effect of caffeine.

It doesn’t happen. It works the same, when we eat something while drinking coffee, e. g. some pie or cake. Milk in coffee just slow down the absorption of caffeine. His effect will manifest later and gradually.

Myth n. 3: Coffee with milk causes pancreas and intestine cancer.

Something like that has not been proven. On the contrary there are studies, that shows opposite effect, that coffee can reduce the diabetes and cancer risk. Coffee namely contains several beneficial substances. E.g., polyphenols – antioxidants, which protect our cells of damage.

2) Eggs increase amount of blood cholesterol

Eggs do not need to be avoided. The strongest influence on our blood cholesterol level is how much saturated and trans-fat we eat rather than the cholesterol in foods. Eggs are low in saturated fat, have no trans-fat and only a small amount of cholesterol. Most of the fat in eggs is the unsaturated fat, which we need to be healthy. So, if you have a couple of eggs twice a week, you’re still under an appropriate limit.

3) Fatty food will make you fat

A common diet myth is that eating high fat foods causes us to gain weight. It is true, that when you eat too much of any macronutrient makes you gain weight, but balanced diet (including the healthy fat) doesn’t lead to weight gain. On the contrary, consuming fat-rich foods may help you lose weight and keep you satisfied between meals. In fact, many studies have shown that eating high fat foods (e. g. whole eggs, avocados, nuts, and full-fat dairy) may help boost weight loss and feelings of fullness. Of course, quality matters. Consuming highly processed foods that are rich in fats, such as fast food or fried foods, may increase your risk of weight gain.

4) Eating celery burns calories

That is not entirely true. Eating celery will not burn off any calories. There are about 6 calories in a stick of celery. Chewing and digesting will only take a half of calorie. But celery is healthy, it contains, vitamin C, antioxidants such as flavonoids, lunularin and bergapten. These antioxidants help to prevent a stress. There are some compounds, such as apiuman and pectin-based polysaccharides too. They decrease the chances of stomach ulcers, improve the lining stomach, and reduce stomach secretions.

5) Carrots help you to see in the dark

Carrots are especially high in the antioxidants lutein and beta-carotene and vitamin A, which is used by our body to maintain normal eyesight. Carrots may also benefit us digestion, heart, skin, and overall health. But eating more carrots don’t give us better than normal eye vision. But many parents still tell this myth to their kids to convince them to eat more vegetables.

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