Food For Thought
January 27, 2022

Homemade granola

Adéla Špačková



  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Mix all ingredients together.
  4. Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking sheet. If you want your granola to be clumpy, use a spatula to press it onto the baking sheet.
  5. Bake it for 20 minutes. Stir it halfway through. The granola is ready when golden-brown and the nuts have toasted.
  6. Remove from the oven. Then you can add lyophilized fruit or chocolate chips. You can serve granola with yoghurt, milk, in a smoothie bowl or just alone. Enjoy!

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Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.