Food For Thought
February 4, 2022

Food boosting immunity

Hillová Zuzana

This subject has been discussed very often at today’s pandemic times. Nobody wants to be infected. People are interested in their health and disease prevention. The key for health is immunity system, what is affected by diet among others.


You have probably ever noticed that consuming of higher amount of fruit is recommended especially during cold wetter or illness. Fruit contains C-vitamin which is one of the basic components for immunity function. Especially citrus fruit as lemons, oranges, limes etc. contain high amount of C-vitamin. It is necessary to eat C-vitamin on daily basis because it belongs among water soluble vitamins which our body can’t store. Other fruits often contain amount of different body-beneficial substances that help to boost our immunity. For example, blueberries contain flavonoids, kind of antioxidants improving respiratory tract’s immune defence system. Further kiwi e.g. is very rich in C-and K-vitamins and is very strong immunity booster. Based on the above we can confirm that fruit is generally very important part of the right healthy diet.


Garlic is one of very popular seasoning vegetable in cuisines all over the world. But have you known it helps to lower blood pressure and also may slow down hardening of the arteries? Using garlic to prepare lunch or dinner can help our immunity very well.


Ginger also contains dozens of antioxidants and also brings many benefits to our health. It may decrease chronic pains therefore it is great idea to drink a ginger tea (not only) when we suffer from sore throat. Ginger also might lower cholesterol level.


E-vitamin is next to C-vitamin also very powerful antioxidant for body immunity and cold prevention. About forty almonds per day are 100% daily recommended amount of vitamin E. Almond additionally contains healthy fats great for brain function.

Red bell pepper

Red bell pepper is almost 3 times richer in C-vitamin content than orange. Moreover such amount of C-vitamin helps to maintain healthy skin. Red bell pepper is also very rich in beta-carotene which human body transforms in A-vitamin and thus helps to keep eyes and skin healthy.


One of the healthier vegetables you can find. Broccoli is extremely full of minerals, vitamins A, C, E and many other antioxidants. Steamed broccoli as a side plate for lunch will definitely help to keep your body healthy.

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The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.