Food For Thought
February 8, 2022

Farma Menšík

Barbora Dreslerová, Martina Boháčová

Farma Menšík is one of the most known farms in our region. We sat down with one of the owners and asked her some questions about the products and the hard work that comes into managing the farm.

The first question we would like to ask is, since what year has Farma Menšík been in operation?

Farma Menšík has been functioning since the year 1991. This renewed the tradition of farmers of Menšík family.

What is your farm’s main focus?

It is milk production, which is our main specialty and until eleven years ago, milk was the only thing we were producing at our farm.

What are the other products you’re offering?

They are fermented products, which means yogurts, cheese and quark. Some of the cheese we are loading in oils with tomatoes and some spices.

What would you recommend someone, who doesn’t know, what to get?

Probably farm cheese, because it’s a cheese we’ve been making for years and it is the favourite. People have been buying it for some many years and it can be used for many occasions. Another thing I’d recommend is quark. It is traditional food here and it’s used quite a lot in Czech cuisine.

When do you sell your products?

Thursday is our marketing day. Because the factory is small, it takes us a week to complete our range of products. So aside of ripening cheese we make everything fresh every week.

How many people does it take to run this place?

Well, we are a family farm, so it mainly involves the family. My husband’s parents, me and my husband and we have three other employees.

How many cattle do you have?

I guess about 150 cows.

So, your work includes taking care of the cows and making the products. Is there anything else you have to do?

The main thing is the raw product, so taking care of the animals is the number one priority. When the animals aren’t healthy, the milk is can’t be good. We also sell part of the milk we make to creamery. In addition to the sale, we also have accommodation. The sale and accommodation actually arose, because when our only income was selling to the creamery, we were absolutely dependent on it. So, if something happened, we were in trouble.

So, you could say that you work non-stop. Do you ever take time off?

Yeah, we do have some free time. We are big enough, that we have some employees. So, it’s not about one person anymore.

Because your products are organic, do you have anyone over you, who controls it?

We are a certified organic farm, so every year inspection comes and recertification takes place.

Do your products have any label, that shows people they are organic?

Yes, they have the European bio logo and also the Czech organic farmer certificate.

On your website, it says that you work with some hotels. Can you tell us something about that?

Yeah, we do. We are in a tourist area and there are restaurants here. The number of people, who care about what they eat, grows, so the restaurants also care about what they’re buying. So, we deliver to some local restaurants.

We’ve also noticed, that you sell some of your products in glass.

We try where we can. We put yogurts and pickled cheese in glass, which is returnable and reusable. But some things we are forced to pack in plastic, because all the food must be not harmful to health. It is terrible to see the plastic waste, but we have to pack the products in something. We also pack the quark in paper.

How do you promote yourself?

We have internet website, we have Instagram. We’ve been here for a while, so the locals know about us. And if they’re satisfied, they tell their friends about us.

Thank you for your time and we hope for a lot of happy customers.

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Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.