Food For Thought
December 18, 2021

Dose makes poison

Matyáš Jílek

As one well-known scientist named Paracelsus said, “A dose makes poison.” So, in this article, I’ll show you 9 foods that a certain amount can send you to the other world.

  1. Salt - you can only die from salt overdosing if you ´ll eat 1 kg per day. If I could liken, it is 666 times well-salted potato chips.

  2. Caffeine - For an adult man with weight 80 kg, a safe dose is 6x energy drinks of red bull. But to be killed by caffein, you would have to drink 150 cans of red bull in one day. And what about coffee? You probably wouldn’t survive 113 cups (250 ml) in one day.

  3. Alcohol - Here depends on a person’s weight, experience, and age. The limit for drinking alcohol when person can die is between 4-5 ‰. To give you an example - an 80 kg adult man, to reach 5 ‰, must drink: 19x a shot of vodka (0.5 dl), 3 liters of wine or 7.5 liters of beer.

  4. Bananas - Even something like banana can kill a person. Due to the attendances of potassium, you would have to eat about 480 bananas to die.

  5. Chocolate - We all know this, a sweet brown candy that can conjured a smile on your face. But you could indulge a sweet death if you ate 40 kg of milk chocolate or 5.7 kg of dark unsweetened chocolate.

  6. Water - The human body is able to process 0.8 - 1 liter of water per hour. But if you ´ll drink 7l in one hour, you can die to increase the level of water in the blood.

  7. Oranges - We also have other fruits that can kill you. If you ate 11,000 oranges per day, you would be super cool, but also dead.

  8. Chili - Here I have something for lovers of spicy food. Not even the biggest lover would survive 112 teaspoons of chili.

  9. Sugar - We talked about chocolate, but what about a sugar? To die from a sugar overdosing, it would be enough to eat 500 teaspoons of sugar in a row.

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