Food For Thought
December 25, 2021

Date balls

Lipková Michaela, Jílek Matyáš, Alex Řezníček

Date balls were all the rage in the health world a couple of years ago and they’ve stood the test of time… for good reason! They’re super simple to make, the perfect meal prep recipe and can be enjoyed for breakfast, a snack or dessert!

While dates are basically dried fruit and relatively high in sugar, they are a natural sweetener. So they offer a great way to add sweetness without any sugar. Because they are high in fiber, they slow down your digestion and help prevent blood sugar levels from spiking too high. That means you get a sweet treat that gives you lasting energy, not a sugar rush.

Dates are an important source of carbohydrates, vitamin A and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E and K. They contain 23 amino acids and a relatively large amount of minerals such as potassium, chlorine, phosphorus and calcium, as well as trace elements copper, manganese and zinc. Fresh dates also contain vitamin C, dried dates iron.

Dates and their effects on health:

Recipe for date balls



  1. Mix the dates with a little water in a blender.

  2. Then mix the nuts and seeds in a blender.

  3. Put everything in one bowl, add lemon juice to taste and mix.

  4. From the mixture we shape balls, which you wrap in cinnamon, grated coconut, cocoa, various seeds … And you are done!

Benefits of other ingredients that you can add to the balls:

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Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.