Food For Thought
January 9, 2022

Curd bars

Adéla Špačková



  1. Heat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
  2. Mix all ingredients together and knead the dough by hands.
  3. Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll the dough (approx 0,5 centimeters high).
  4. Then create bars.
  5. Brush the bars with the beaten egg and sprinkle with what you want. You can use spice, blue cheese or poppy (like me – I used our local poppy).
  6. Lay the bars on a baking paper. You can put the bars close to each other. They don‘t have a tendency to melt.
  7. Bake for about 15 minutes, until the bars are pinkish.

These bars are delicious. In addition the preparation is easy peasy lemon squeezy. They‘re great for an evening with a glass of wine or for a party with friends. You will see, how quickly they disappear.


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Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.