Food For Thought
February 4, 2022

Agricultural farm Tomáš Pustka

Kateřina Kolenová, Catherine Malíková

Our journey led us to private farmers in Ženklava. Precisely we visited Bio Jatka Ženklava and Tomáš Pustka’s farm. Thanks to their kindliness we could ask Mrs. Lenka Sklenovská, who is in a charge of receiving orders, a few questions.

Once again, I thank her for her time.

How it all began?

Parents and grandparents of Tomáš Pustka had already been engaged in agriculture in the past, but unfortunately their estate was confiscated in the totalitarian era. After the fall of this regime the restitutions were slowly given back, and they acquired their land again. Mr. Pustka lived with this situation as a boy and after reaching the age of 18, he has started to run his own business.

In year 2001 he founded the farm Tomáš Pustka, where he started to maintain not only his own field, but also a rented one. Thanks to that he was able to ensure enough feed and pasture for his animals. The con-fed livestock was sold to a slaughterhouse and part of the young cattle was sold abroad. They also provided agriculture services, such as pressured hay, haylage and so on.

The whole family was helping on the farm, but they also had to work in their old jobs to make a living. Gradually, they started to leave their jobs and give their time only to the farm.

In 2004 the farm incorporated ecology into their work and began to produce livestock and feed in bio quality and became a Biofarm.

Because of a big interest, we built Slaughterhouses and since then we have been slaughtering animals in our own facilities and selling processed beef with bio a certificate. This certificate must be justified each year.

Could u tell us something about your animals?

Our family farm is engaged in breeding of French breeds Parthenais and Charolais, which belong to the low-fat breeds of cattle. The animals are calving in winter. The calves with their mothers can freely move in a cow house, until the favourable weather hits. After that, they are located on our grazing in cadastres of Ženklava, Veřovice and Štramberk. We slaughter animals within 24 months in our slaughterhouses. Every animal is checked by a veterinarian. After their bio meat ripens in refrigerators, it is cut into quarters, divided into pieces and vacuum packed. Then it ends up with the consumer according to orders. Meat prepared this way can be bought in the best quality that the possibilities offer.

Are you interested in the well-being of your animals?

Yes, we abide by welfare, which is well-being of an animal living within harmony of its environment. Quality living conditions have a big impact on a bred animal. We ensure it through allowing free movement in cowsheds and on lands, enough pastures and free access to water.

What products do you currently offer?

We sell bio-beef from our breeding and our own products. The meat is gastronomically proceeded, vacuum-packed and of course ready for our customers for the best culinary experiences. Each customer chooses their own order by their own choice and picks up the prepared order according to the agreed date at Slaughterhouse in Ženklava.

Do you think that people’s interest in quality food is rising?

Yes definitely, more and more people are interested in the food they consume. Customers show interest for where the animals are kept, where they graze, how they look and generally care, if their ‘food’ grow up in quality circumstances more and more. I think that people bring up stuff that they buy into focus more, or at least it can be seen as such at our place.

How were you affected by a covid situation?

It definitely had an impact on us. Some of our customers thought, that we were closed, so they didn’t come, some of them accrued, so they took turns. There are times, when it’s a little bit weaker with sales, but then it comes back to normal. They can shop whenever they want, so I think that we meet their needs.

Do you plan any changes?

We will certainly try to keep pace with technological and agriculture development. We will continue in selling bio-beef in the highest quality alongside our other products. There may be some changes in the future, but that’s still in the air.

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Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.