Food For Thought

Food For Thought

eating healthy matters.

Food For Thought
Food For Thought
Icelandic fish stew (plokkfiskur)
Nov 1, 22
Icelandic fish stew (plokkfiskur)
Traditional Icelandic dish
Nov 1, 22
Icelandic Lamb Soup
Icelandic Pancakes
Nov 1, 22
Icelandic Pancakes
How to make pönnukaka?
Nov 1, 22
How to make pönnukaka?
Video recipe
Food Of Iceland: Lýsi
Nov 1, 22
Food Of Iceland: Lýsi
Fish liver oil
Farma Menšík
Feb 8, 22
Farma Menšík
Interview with the owner
Feb 6, 22
A video recipe by Rudolf
Millet porridge
Feb 6, 22
Millet porridge
A video recipe by Rudolf
Healthy pancakes
Feb 6, 22
Healthy pancakes
A video recipe by Rudolf
Feb 6, 22
A video recipe by Rudolf
Ginger lemonade
Feb 6, 22
Ginger lemonade
A video recipe by Rudolf
Brussels sprout salad
Feb 6, 22
Brussels sprout salad
A video recipe by Rudolf
Beetroot 'potato' salad
Feb 6, 22
Beetroot 'potato' salad
A video recipe by Rudolf
The threat of vitamin D deficiency
Feb 4, 22
The threat of vitamin D deficiency
Rising numbers of vitamin D deficiency and its role within the pandemic
How to serve cottage cheese?
Feb 4, 22
How to serve cottage cheese?
Cottage cheese recipes
How to make Stir Fry Noodles
Feb 4, 22
How to make Stir Fry Noodles
The best healthy noodles
Healhty food look-alikes
Feb 4, 22
Healhty food look-alikes
The imposters in our diets
Food boosting immunity
Feb 4, 22
Food boosting immunity
Immunity is important
Cinnamon rolls
Feb 4, 22
Cinnamon rolls
Sugary snail shells
Caffeine and its effects
Feb 4, 22
Caffeine and its effects
A short video about caffeine and how it affects us
Agricultural farm Tomáš Pustka
Feb 4, 22
Agricultural farm Tomáš Pustka
An interview
5 Suprising food facts
Feb 4, 22
5 Suprising food facts
You after reading this -> :0
3 Super easy healthy snacks
Feb 4, 22
3 Super easy healthy snacks
Now you have no excuses
Apple bread
Feb 3, 22
Apple bread
Gluten free
Shopska salad
Feb 3, 22
Shopska salad
Recipe for healthy vegetable salad
Baked Beetroot with Cheese
Feb 3, 22
Baked Beetroot with Cheese
Cooked in portrait!
Cooking oils
Feb 2, 22
Cooking oils
Important properties of cooking oils
Feb 2, 22
Basal metabolic rate
Easy homemade müssli
Feb 1, 22
Easy homemade müssli
Creamy red lentils vegetables soup
Feb 1, 22
Creamy red lentils vegetables soup
Recipe video how to do tasty nutritious soup
Chickpeas in yellow curry sauce
Feb 1, 22
Chickpeas in yellow curry sauce
Feb 1, 22
Body mass index
Rye sourdough bread
Jan 31, 22
Rye sourdough bread
Rye bread making video
Sweet cheeses
Jan 30, 22
Sweet cheeses
Sweet talk about sweet cheeses
Fruit smoothie
Jan 30, 22
Fruit smoothie
Recipe to my fruit smoothie
Cottage cheese
Jan 30, 22
Cottage cheese
A cheesy post
Baked beetroot
Jan 30, 22
Baked beetroot
My mom's recipe to delicious and healthy baked beetroot
Šumava(wheat) bread
Jan 29, 22
Šumava(wheat) bread
Wheat bread making video
Jan 29, 22
Smoothie? Smoothie.
Apple pancakes
Jan 29, 22
Apple pancakes
Recipe for the best apple pancakes you have ever tasted
Nutrition myths
Jan 27, 22
Nutrition myths
Seek the truth!
Homemade granola
Jan 27, 22
Homemade granola
Great breakfast or snack food
Breakfast oatmeal
Jan 27, 22
Breakfast oatmeal
Quick and easy recipe for delicious breakfast
Seasonal foods
Jan 22, 22
Seasonal foods
Why and what seasonal foods to consume
Water from the heart of nature
Jan 20, 22
Water from the heart of nature
The best source of water
How to make healthy banana brownies
Jan 20, 22
How to make healthy banana brownies
Very healthy 👍
Super easy quiche
Jan 19, 22
Super easy quiche
Quick quiche
Package free store
Jan 18, 22
Package free store
Take a look inside of a package free store
Salad in glass
Jan 14, 22
Salad in glass
Some tasty salad, now in glass!
Farm Tichá
Jan 13, 22
Farm Tichá
Interview with the owner
Oat-flakes minicookies
Jan 9, 22
Oat-flakes minicookies
Mini fruit cakes
Jan 9, 22
Mini fruit cakes
Meatloaf of zucchini
Jan 9, 22
Meatloaf of zucchini
Fluid intake
Jan 9, 22
Fluid intake
Sufficient water drinking is very important
Fit Ferrero Rocher
Jan 9, 22
Fit Ferrero Rocher
Curd cake
Jan 9, 22
Curd cake
Curd bars
Jan 9, 22
Curd bars
Date balls
Dec 25, 21
Date balls
Christmas vegan oatmeal cookies
Dec 25, 21
Christmas vegan oatmeal cookies
Simple tasty sugarless recipe
Insect recipes
Dec 18, 21
Insect recipes
A few insect recipes
Insects as food
Dec 18, 21
Insects as food
The food of the future
Food and their values
Dec 18, 21
Food and their values
Energy, proteins, carbohydrates, fats
Dose makes poison
Dec 18, 21
Dose makes poison
9 foods that a certain amount can send you to the other world
Difference in healthy food [Video]
Dec 16, 21
Difference in healthy food [Video]
Best food review ever
Vitamin villains
Dec 11, 21
Vitamin villains
Don't consume too many vitamins
Energy drinks
Dec 11, 21
Energy drinks
What you need to know
Dec 11, 21
Is it healthy or not?
Health effect
Dec 9, 21
Health effect
Food and it's effect on health
Banana brownies
Dec 7, 21
Banana brownies
Recipe for banana brownies
Drink right
Dec 6, 21
Drink right
Drinking right is important for your health
Rather local
Dec 4, 21
Rather local
Local food
Štramberské uši
Nov 17, 21
Štramberské uši
Traditional pastry from Štramberk
Healthy sleep pattern
Nov 17, 21
Healthy sleep pattern
Sleep is a necessity for our life
How to make traditional Czech cabbage [Video]
Nov 15, 21
How to make traditional Czech cabbage [Video]
Cabbage is yummy xd
How it's made: Homemade apple juice
Oct 1, 21
How it's made: Homemade apple juice
Where all the homemade apple juice comes from
Projekt EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 získal grant ve výši 1 726 140 Kč z Fondů EHP 2014-2021, programu Vzdělávání, které jsou financované Islandem, Lichtenštejnskem a Norskem.
The EHP-CZ-MOP-3-008 project received a grant of 1 726 140 Kč from the EHP 2014-2021 funds, the education program, which are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.